Special Education
Department Information
School Department Chairs
Diana Anabseh - Social Circle Primary School - diana.anabseh@socialcircleschools.org
Ansley Jones - Social Circle Elementary School - ansley.jones@socialcircleschools.org
Christy Thornton - Social Circle Middle School - christy.thornton@socialcircleschools.org
Justin Drew - Social Circle High School - justin.drew@socialcircleschools.org
Speech-Language Pathologists
Kayce Whitley - kayce.whitley@socialcircleschools.org
Michelle Evans - michelle.evans@socialcircleschools.org
Child Find
The purpose of Child Find is to ensure that all children (up to age 21) that either live or attend school in the SCCS district that may need special education services are identified, located, and evaluated. These children may include:
Children birth through age 3
Preschool children (ages 3-5) who are not yet eligible for kindergarten
Children enrolled in public charter schools within the SCCS district (currently there are no public charter schools in Social Circle)
Any child suspected of having a disability
Highly mobile children, including migrant children
Children who are detained or incarcerated in jails or correctional facilities (currently there are no jails or correctional facilities in Social Circle)
Children enrolled in a home school program
Children placed in private schools by their parents, including religious, elementary, and secondary schools.
Social Circle City Schools (SCCS) schedules and holds Child Find Screening Days three times during the school year. Parents or other community members wishing to make a referral can scan a barcode on the flyers to register their child. The parent or guardian of the child will then be contacted to schedule a Child Find appointment.
When a child is screened by Social Circle City Schools, either at a screening day or at another scheduled time, the screening will generally include:
A hearing/vision screening completed by trained personnel
Developmental and/or academic screenings
Behavioral interviews and/or checklists
Interviews and questionnaires completed by the parent and teachers (if applicable)
Any other screenings that may be appropriate for the child
The purpose of these screenings is not to determine special education eligibility, but instead to determine the most appropriate next steps for the child.
Following the screening, the results and recommendations will be shared with the parent and with any other parties that will be involved in the evaluation or other services that will be provided to the child.
Special Needs Scholarship
What is the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Program? What are the LEA’s responsibilities for children receiving the GSNS?
The GSNS Program is a parental choice program for special needs children attending Georgia public schools who are served under an IEP. More Information about the GSNS Program can be found here.
Helpful Information for Families
- Evaluations and Reevaluations
- Free Appropriate Public Education
- Individualized Education Program
- Parent Rights
- Special Education Eligibility
- Student Record Maintenance
Evaluations and Reevaluations
- Children suspected of having a disability that requires special education and related services must first have a full and individual evaluation that is completed by the school system before these services can begin. A referral for initial evaluation may be requested by the parent, school staff, or other people or agencies.
- Once an initial referral has been made, a meeting is held with the school team, the school psychologist, and the family in order to review any progress monitoring data and/or private evaluations and to discuss the evaluation process with parents.
There are many interventions available to all students without special education services through the Multi-Tier System of Supports; these may be discussed and considered during the referral process.
If the team decides to proceed with the evaluation after the meeting, a designated school employee will request signed parental permission to evaluate.
All initial evaluations must be completed within 60 calendar days of receiving parental consent for evaluation with the following exceptions:
School holidays and other circumstances where children do not attend school for 5 consecutive school days will not be counted towards the 60-day timeline, including the weekend days before and after such holiday periods
Any summer vacation period in which the majority of SCCS teachers are not under contract will not be included in the 60-day timeline
If the parent of the child repeatedly fails or refuses to bring the child for evaluation
If the child enrolls in another school system after the testing timeline has begun
Extenuating circumstances such as illness, unusual evaluation needs, or revocation of parental consent for evaluation affect this timeline
Once a child is found to be eligible for special education services, the IEP team must reevaluate the child at least once every three years to redetermine eligibility unless the parent and the rest of the IEP team determine that further evaluation is unnecessary.
Once the evaluation has been completed, the parent will be invited to review the results of the evaluation with the eligibility team, a team of qualified professionals that will help interpret the results of the evaluation, and determine (a) if the child is a child with a disability and (b) the educational needs of the child.
Free Appropriate Public Education
All children with disabilities between the ages of 3-21 that live in the Social Circle City School District (SCCS) are entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), including children that have been suspended or expelled from school.
FAPE for students by 3rd birthday |
FAPE for students aged 22 |
These special education and related services that make up FAPE are provided to children identified with disabilities who have an IEP at no cost to the parent and a delay of the implementation of these services is not allowed.
Graduation and Diplomas: The IEP team will agree on a projected graduation date as part of each student’s transition plan. Most Social Circle High School students that are eligible for special education services will work towards earning a regular high school diploma. For some students, the IEP team may that it would be more appropriate for the student to work towards a non-regular diploma. A description of the various options for diploma types for students with special needs can be found here.
Individualized Education Program
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement for each child with a disability that must be developed, reviewed, and revised/amended in a meeting with an opportunity for parental participation and input.
The IEP Team should consist of the following participants:
The parents of the child
At least one general education teacher of the child
At least one special education teacher/provider of the child
A representative of the school district (referred to as LEA Representative in the IEP documents) who is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities, is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum, and is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of Social Circle City Schools (SCCS).
Someone that is qualified to interpret evaluation results as needed.
Any other individuals that have knowledge of or special expertise regarding the child as included by SCCS or the parent (this can include related service providers)
The child with a disability as appropriate
The IEP sections include:
A statement of the child’s current levels of academic achievement and functional performance
How the child’s disability affects his/her involvement and progress in the general education environment (or for preschool children, how their disability hinders their involvement in preschool activities)
Assessments that have been given to the child and identified academic, functional, and/or developmental needs
Any parental concerns that are reported to the IEP team
A statement of consideration of special factors that may be hindering the child’s progress (ex: behavior difficulties, a consideration of the need for assistive technology, alternative formats for instructional materials, communication delays, visual or hearing impairments, etc)
A statement of annual goals to address their ability to be involved and make progress in the general education curriculum and that will address their individual area(s) of need with stated criteria for progress monitoring and the criteria for mastery of the goal.
A statement of when and how parents can expect to receive progress reports on their child’s progress towards his/her IEP goals/objectives
A plan for services that will be provided to the child, including the frequency, location, and duration of the services.
A statement of the modifications and/or accommodations that are required for this child to participate to the maximum extent in the general education environment
This document should also include accommodations or modifications required in order for the child to participate in standardized or classroom testing
A consideration of Extended School Year (ESY)
Beginning no later than the student’s ninth grade year or his/her 16th birthday, the IEP team will also develop and agree on a Transition Plan with input and involvement from the student.
At least one year prior to the student’s 18th birthday, the IEP should also include a statement that the student has been informed of the student's rights under Part B of the IDEA, if any, which will transfer to the student on reaching age 18
SCCS special education personnel will make every effort to invite and include parents in IEP meetings. If no response is received from the parent after at least three attempts, SCCS will hold the meeting and provide notice of any decisions to the parent following the meeting.
The IEP must be reviewed at least one time per year to ensure that the information is current and that the services provided are appropriate for the child.
Parent Rights
Social Circle City Schools (SCCS) uses the Procedural Safeguards Notice created by the Georgia Department of Education as the document that is offered to parents either when a consent to evaluate is requested, when a meeting notice is sent home, or at a meeting. This information is presented either in a pamphlet format or a condensed version can also be offered to parents in their native language. The condensed version also provides links to informational videos that can assist parents with understanding their rights related to Special Education. The contents of either version contain detailed information or electronic links to information regarding:
prior written notice
Parental Consent
access to education records
complaint process
student placement during a pending due process
Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)
private school placement by the parent
due process hearings
attorneys’ fees
the right to receive procedural safeguards information in a language understandable to the parent
Special Education Eligibility
A child ages 3-21 is considered to have a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) if he/she meets eligibility criteria under one or more of the following areas of eligibility and needs special education and related services:
Intellectual Disability (mild, moderate, severe, profound)
Once the evaluation has been completed, the parent will be invited to review the results of the evaluation with the eligibility team, a team of qualified professionals that will help interpret the results of the evaluation, and determine (a) if the child is a child with a disability and (b) the educational needs of the child. A copy of the evaluation report and determination of eligibility will be provided at no cost to the parent.
When a student transfers into SCCS from either from another school system within Georgia or from out of state with special education eligibility, an SCCS school psychologist will be assigned to review the student’s testing and eligibility information from the previous district, to include a review to ensure that SCCS possesses the correct documentation of their disability and special education eligibility. If the school psychologist determines that a Reevaluation Redetermination meeting should be recommended, this will be communicated to the case manager so that this can be scheduled in a timely manner
Student Record Maintenance
Public Notification of Special Education Document Destruction for Students Turning 22
In accordance with the State of Georgia Records Retention Schedules for Local Government Paper and Electronic Records, and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Social Circle City Schools will be destroying special education documents for students turning 22 years old, prior to August 1st, that received special education services through Social Circle City Schools. These records, which include the student’s Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), meeting notifications, evaluation reports, regulations on the destruction of data collected, and all other personally identifiable information within the Special Education file will be destroyed by June 30th of the current fiscal year. If you wish to maintain this information for your personal records, please contact the SCCS Special Education Department to request these records prior to the destruction date.