If you have questions or concerns about the ESOL or Title III program or need support with communication and/or parent engagement activities, please contact Tiffany Rhoades, ESOL Teacher, at 770-464-1411 or 770-464-2664 or tiffany.rhoades@socialcircleschools.org. You may also contact Jennifer Chatham, Assistant Superintendent at 770-464-2731 or jennifer.chatham@socialcircleschools.org.
Additional ESOL information is available at the Georgia Department of Education website.
Parent Conferences Tips_English_FINAL.pdf
Parent Conferences Tips_Spanish_FINAL.pdf
Social Circle City Schools serves fewer than 20 English Language Learners who represent more than 2 different languages spoken. The district primarily provides language support to our English Language Learners through the English Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) program to eligible students. ESOL instruction focuses on the development and improvement of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English to increase student academic success. In addition, students are introduced to the American cultural concepts while being encouraged to value their native language and culture.
Title III is a federally-funded program that provides eligible Local Education Agencies with funding to supplement services for English learners. The mission of this program includes providing support to international parents and students in becoming an integral part of the school and community.
Part I: My child is an English language learner. What does that mean?
Part I provides information about what it means to be an English language learner, how students are identified as English language learners, and how students exit an English language support program. English Webinar |
1ra Parte: Mi hijo es un aprendiz de inglés.¿Qué significa esto? Spanish Webinar
Part II: My child is an English language learner. How is my child's language development supported at school?
Part II provides information about the different ways students use the English language at school, along with information about the WIDA English Language Development Standards and how these standards can be used to support students' English language development.English Webinar |
2da Parte: Mi hijo es un aprendiz de inglés.¿Cómo apoya la escuela el desarrollo del lenguaje de mi hijo? Spanish Webinar
Part III: My child is an English language learner. How do I know if my child is making progress?
Part III provides information about how educators share information with parents about students' English language development, specifically what scores from the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment mean, and how these scores can be used. English webinar |
3ra Parte: Mi hijo es un aprendiz del inglés. ¿Cómo puedo saber si mi hijo está progresando? Spanish webinar