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Facilities Use Request

*The Elementary and Primary School Facilities are not available for rental.

General Conditions

1. Application(s) for a permit to use school facilities shall be made with the principal at least two weeks in advance of the time of use. Use of system facilities not normally associated with a school will require approval from the Superintendent.

2. Anyone requesting to rent a facility not appropriate for the intended use will be directed to a school that is more suited to that purpose.

3. All fees for school and system facilities shall cover the cost of utilities. Fees are payable in advance, and should be payable to the Social Circle Board of Education. A security deposit may be required for the use of special equipment.

4. Alcoholic beverages and/or the use of tobacco products will not be permitted in school or system facilities or on said property at any time. 

5. Eating will not be allowed in carpeted areas. All meals should be served in cafeterias.

6. Although every effort will be made to cooperate with groups requesting the rental of school facilities, the school is not responsible for providing any additional equipment, such as tables and chairs. If additional equipment is required, the renting group is responsible for delivering it to the site and having it removed immediately following the event.

7. If a custodian must be present, the renting organization will be responsible for paying the custodian at an agreed upon rate immediately following the conclusion of the event.

8. All applicants for use of school facilities shall hold the Board free and without harm from any loss or damage, liability, or expense that may arise during, or be caused in any way by, such use or occupancy of district facilities. 

9. The user of facilities shall obtain the following insurance to cover all participants in the use of facilities: 

  • A Certificate of Insurance from the general liability policy for $1,000,000.00 or special event policy obtained from Insurance Company for $1,000,000.00.
  • The policy must name the Social Circle City School District as an additional insured entity.
  • The user of facilities agrees to indemnify and save harmless the District and its agents against all claims for damages to persons or property because of the use or occupancy of the facility, and all expenses incurred by the District thereof, including attorney's fees and court costs.

Use of School Facilities Application

First page of the PDF file: FY24Copyfacilitiesuseapplicationdocx