Summer Reading and Assignments
Keep the learning going this summer!
Summer Reading assignments and activities are provided below as well as some additional resources that can help keep students curious.
- Social Circle Primary
- Social Circle Elementary
- Social Circle Middle
- Social Circle High
- Athletic Camps
- Other Learning Resources
Social Circle Primary
Join the Summer Reading Adventure with your Summer Reading Buddy!
Here's How it Works: Students have decorated and named their buddy. On the back of the buddy are 10 reading tasks/challenges.
To complete the challenge, students should choose 10 of the tasks on the back of the buddy and make a picture with their Summer Reading Buddy completing each challenge. They will need to complete 10 challenges but are only required to submit 5 photos. Photos can be emailed throughout the summer as they complete each challenge, or they can email all photos at the same time to:
Primary School: (upcoming K-2nd Grade)
Elementary School: (upcoming 3rd-5th Grade)
Please include the student's first and last name and the grade level for the 24-25 school year in the email. Photos will be posted on Class Dojo to keep the excitement going and encourage reading!
***NOTE: Rising 6th graders are encouraged to complete the middle school summer reading challenge.
Students should turn in their Reading Buddy to the media center no later than Monday, August 8th with the student and parent signature and 10 checked tasks. The buddy will be returned to the student at the reward ice cream party at the end of August so that they will have this memorabilia from this fun summer activity.
This is a voluntary activity.
Click to access a printable copy of the Reading Buddy.
If you have any questions, please email
Social Circle Elementary
Join the Summer Reading Adventure with your Summer Reading Buddy!
Here's How it Works: Students have decorated and named their buddy. On the back of the buddy are 10 reading tasks/challenges.
To complete the challenge, students should choose 10 of the tasks on the back of the buddy and make a picture with their Summer Reading Buddy completing each challenge. They will need to complete 10 challenges but are only required to submit 5 photos. Photos can be emailed throughout the summer as they complete each challenge, or they can email all photos at the same time to:
Primary School: (upcoming K-2nd Grade)
Elementary School: (upcoming 3rd-5th Grade)
Please include the student's first and last name and the grade level for the 24-25 school year in the email. Photos will be posted on Class Dojo to keep the excitement going and encourage reading!
***NOTE: Rising 6th graders are encouraged to complete the middle school summer reading challenge.
Students should turn in their Reading Buddy to the media center no later than Monday, August 8th with the student and parent signature and 10 checked tasks. The buddy will be returned to the student at the reward ice cream party at the end of August so that they will have this memorabilia from this fun summer activity.
This is a voluntary activity.
Click for a printable copy of the Reading Buddy.
If you have any questions, please email
Social Circle Middle
Social Circle High
English Courses
Summer reading and learning about yourself! The ELA department has worked to compile a list of pieces that we believe will assist you in learning something about yourself and ways to help improve your school year when you return.
We have created grade specific pieces that you will choose from. Please choose from the grade you will be in when you return in August. Make sure you read the instructions under your appropriate grade level as the different grade levels have different tasks assigned. When you return to school in August you will have an idea of ways that you can start out successful!
Click the 9th grade ELA link above to read, listen, and watch ways that you can focus and stay on task while also learning to set goals. This summer reading and learning session will help you pick up new skills to be ready for your Freshman year. Click the link above for the connection to 9th grade ELA! |
Click on the 10th-grade ELA link above to learn about Study Skills and Organization The link above provides you with a list of TED talks, Web-based Articles, and an informational and strategic learning inventory. Please go through each of them and at the top is a link to a notes page. Click on the notes page and add information from each of the pieces below. REGULAR 10th-grade students: choose ONE from each sectionHONORS 10th-grade students: complete BOTH options under each section
The American Dream is a universal theme throughout American literature. Below is a list of articles, podcasts, and Ted Talks for you to investigate the American Dream and how it applies to you. Make sure you read the instructions. When you return to school in August you will use this information for an assignment. |
Welcome to your SENIOR year! The link above will provide you with a list of TED Talks, Podcasts, and articles to help you complete your Summer reading and learning. |
Other Courses
Social Studies
Athletic Camps
Other Learning Resources
Printed copies of Summer Reading Activities are available at the Social Circle City Schools Board Office this summer.