Items 1-3 below are required documents that you will need to upload to the Online Registration tool when requesting enrollment of students. If you have items 4-8, please load them when prompted in the online registration tool. If you do not have items 4-8, the school will request them from your child(ren)'s prior school. However, if items 4-8 are not available from the previous school, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the information within 30 days of enrollment.
- Proof of Residency: Present one of the following (must include address):
- Non-contingent Sales Contract
- Current Lease/Rental Agreement
- Current Residential Property Tax Statement or Bill
- Current Warranty or Quit Claim Deed
- Current Home Purchase Agreement
- Current Homeowner’s Insurance Policy
- Third-person Affidavit of Residency (Notarized Residency Affidavit, See below)
AND one of the following:
- Current Gas Bill
- Current Water Bill
- Current Electric Bill
If the family is living in a home with someone else, both the parent/guardian and the person the family is living with must submit an affidavit of residency and provide two(2) valid forms of residency from the list above and a piece of business mail (i.e. Cell Phone, Insurance Notification, etc.) addressed to parent/guardian at the address of residence.
- Guardianship/Custody: Guardians who are not the birth parent must provide legal documentation of custody/guardianship. If the biological parents are divorced the custodial parent must live in the city of Social Circle. To prevent or limit access of a parent to the child or the child’s educational records, court orders are required. Restraining Orders or other Legal Documents specifically limiting the access of any individual to the student(s) being enrolled must be submitted.
- Proof of Identification of Parent/Guardian: photo identification including driver’s license or passport
- Age Verification: The school system requires evidence of the student’s date of birth and accepts as evidence a birth certificate, hospital-issued record of birth, military ID, valid driver’s license, passport, adoption record, religious record signed by an authorized religious official, official school transcript
- Hearing, vision, dental and nutrition screening on the State of Georgia Form #3300: by a qualified member of the Health Department or a private physician
- Certificate of Immunization on the State of Georgia Form #3231, or an Affidavit of Religious Conflict With Immunization Requirements(form available at time of enrollment), or a Certificate of Physical Disability issued by the local health board or licensed physician
- Social Security Number: is requested, but not required for enrollment, as per O.C.G.A. §20-2-150 (d); § 20-2-240. If the Social Security Card is not provided, parents/guardians must complete a Social Security Waiver Form.
- Transcript/report card from the previous school: Social Circle City Schools will utilize an electronic records transfer when it is available from the prior school, otherwise parents/guardians will sign a records release request for us to fax or email to the prior school. It will greatly decrease the time it takes for your child to begin the appropriate classes if you are able to provide an electronic copy of these documents in the online registration tool.
Documentation for Homeless Students – Homeless students, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act, shall be enrolled immediately with full participation in school activities, regardless of whether required documentation can be provided at the time of enrollment. The designated employee responsible for care of homeless students shall assist the person enrolling the homeless student or the unaccompanied youth in acquiring the necessary documents for enrollment in accordance with the requirements of the state enrollment rule and the Act.
“The School District, in its enrollment procedures, requirements and processes does not and will not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, or immigration status.”